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Songs Forever!

A 6-Week Workshop/Playshop for Songwriters


January 29 - March 5 
JAM Studio • Sisters Art Works • Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Songs are tiny miracles! And they are are uniquely powerful tools for connection. In this 6-week workshop, we will build a supportive community of songwriters to usher in new songs and fine-tune songs in progress.


In this interactive workshop, we will dive into generative writing exercises and games, and we'll listen deeply to learn from each other's songwriting process. There will be time for writing in our sessions, time for offering and receiving feedback, and weekly writing prompts to take home. We will consider how we can use melody, form, dynamics, variation, and tension to deliver a story or emotion with maximum impact.


I LOVE sharing what I have learned and what works for me in songwriting. I love supporting other songwriters in their creative process and in sharing their work. I love what happens when people who love songs gather to geek out about songs! Bring your open heart, your open mind and your curious spirit.

Maximum of 12 participants. Must be 18 or older to enroll; no experience necessary. 

Tuition: $180/person

*Pay-what-you-can pricing available for interested participants. $60 minimum fee.
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